Me Comix, Cap'n!!!
Smackjeeves, where all these comics were originally published, is now dead. It was murdered. It's for the best probably. You can still read these on tumblr so I'll link that. I think I did a better job showcasing these on my blog thing so click this if u r interested to see that :)

(2016- 2019 ish)
God I suck at tagging
ANYWAY I started this comic when I decided to quit college because school is for nerrrds. I made the first 4 pages in 2 days. I did not sleep. Despite being created during a fit of panicked energy, I think the art holds up pretty good I guessssss uhgghh sometimesss
It was supposed to be the last comic I did before I started drawing my Graphic Novel hohhohohoho. Anyway I started drawing the Graphic Novel so I basically stopped drawing Vanity. Also it doesn't really have that much of a plot, I just had 2 characters and watched the music video for Flash Mich and was like LET'S GOOO FORWARD NO REGRETS

Read the 2nd series. Not the 1st. Not the 3rd. Okay read those if you want but I'm linking it to Fish #2.
Fish was created out of pure rage. Based off the 3rd and angriest voice in my head, who I named Gamma, Fish is if I was the Gamma personality all the time. Anyway I really enjoyed drawing Fish comics in high school. My mom likes Fish too. Fish is mother approved kids

Art is Fart is so extensive and erratic in the level of quality. Basically it's diary comics type stuff / fictional adventures of Peggy the Pegasus and other characters. It was over 400 pages. idk. It was my only coping mechanism that kept me from the noose in high school. Then in 2018 I got on Zoloft so now I am ok I have brain damage :)
It's for the best most of it was deleted from the internet when smackjeeves shut down lmfao. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BEST EXCERPTS THO

I'm sorry dad I was young and I didn't know better and things got out of HAND
Actually maybe read Whale King. I created that when I was an 10th - 11th grader, I read it back recently, it's kinda funny. Kinda boring. But it was the first comic I ever created on Smackjeeves so it's not gonna be amazing or anything. It's about a sociopathic whale who is the king of the sea and his wacky misadventures.
Okay thanks kisses bye XOXOXOXOX